Health Economic Analysis
In response to the constant innovations in the area of health technology and the needs of medical infrastructure development, in recent years, governing bodies and other funding institutions in our country have redefined their planning and resource allocation policies for health. These institutions have established as indispensable the presentation of economic studies that support the decision making processes regarding the allocation of resources dedicated to the development of infrastructure and technologies for health.
It is essential that these assessments are supported by the best available evidence. The objective of these studies is to justify the development of each of these projects based on the best cost-benefit ratio.
At TIS, we are aware of the needs that states face to respond to the growing demand for medical services and development of medical infrastructure, generated from the creation of the Social Protection in Health System. As such, we have developed a multidisciplinary team specialized in the preparation of Health Economic Analysis tailored to the needs of the planning areas and decision makers in our country.
The specific objectives of these assessments are:
- Support the actions of state infrastructure planning through the identification of infrastructure and technology alternatives for health services that demonstrate the best cost-benefit ratio.
- Comply with the requirements of federal authorities for the submission for the Infrastructure Needs Certificate by the General Directorate of Health Planning and Development.
- Comply with the requirements for registration in the investment portfolio by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.
- Once the resources have been allocated, facilitate their management by the timely and smooth development of projects.
Why is the industry in need of economic evaluation of health services?
- Entry application to the National Formulary
- Marketing strategies
- Information dissemination to doctors and administrators
- Price negotiation
- Reimbursement negotiations
- Development of practical guides