Introductory Course
on the Mexican
Healthcare System

It is considered that the healthcare system in Mexico is very complex and, due to its diversity of actors, requires an introductory knowledge that allows the interested party to understand the main characteristics of each institution, the population served and the challenges that the system faces as a whole.

This course reviews the main characteristics of each institution in the Mexican healthcare system. The generic agenda covers the public sector, private providers and institutions of the social sector or private assistance. This course has been designed to be flexible and can be modified to present a general view of the health sector, or provide a specific description, both from the perspective of a particular institution or pathology, according to the client’s needs.

This knowledge will facilitate the adaptation of your business or relationship strategy with Mexican health institutions. Several participants have commented that this course would have been very useful to have taken at the time when they began their interactions within the healthcare sector. It is therefore considered a key course for any actor or company that wishes to enter the healthcare sector in Mexico, or that requires a detailed immersion in some actor, institution, pathology or health policy.



  1. Present the main characteristics of the health system in Mexico, review its main institutions and the populations served.
  2. Review the main health indicators and their evolution relative to the current challenges of the system.
  3. Analyze the system relative to a specific function: stewardship, financing or provision.
  4. Analyze the system regarding a disease or public health policy issue.
  5. Discuss the reform agenda and recent changes made to the health system
  6. Identify business or collaborative opportunities as an actor in the health system.

This information can be presented in the form of a conference, master session or workshop with a variable duration from one hour to six classroom hours depending on the selected content. You the client, have the flexibility to work via webinar and share notes and documents with the participants, before and during the sessions.


<div class="curso_1"><a href=""><div class="text_curso">Introductory Course on Health Economics</div></a></div>
<div class="curso_2"><a href=""><div class="text_curso">Course on Public-Private Mix Course in Health</div></a></div>
<div class="curso_3"><a href=""><div class="text_curso">Introductory Course on Mexican Health System</div></a></div>